Punjab’s Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz, officially launched the province’s first-ever “Dhee Rani Program” during a mass wedding event in Lahore, where 51 couples celebrated their union. This unique initiative aims to support brides through a special “Dhee Rani Salami Card,” enabling them to receive a one-time cash gift of up to one lakh rupees.

The ceremony took place at a wedding hall in Lahore, and among the couples were five Christian pairs, marking the inclusive nature of the event. During her address, Maryam Nawaz extended heartfelt congratulations and prayers to all the newlyweds, emphasizing the emotional significance of marriage for both children and their families. Clerics Dr. Mufti Muhammad Ramadan Sialvi and Bishop Nadeem Kamran offered special prayers for the couples’ future happiness.

The newlywed couples received various gifts, including mattresses, kitchen utensils, dinner sets, and other household items. In addition to these, each bride was presented with a “Dhee Rani Salami Card” that grants them the financial benefit of one lakh rupees.

Addressing the attendees, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz expressed her deep happiness, stating, “Marriage is a moment of great emotional importance for both the children and their parents. I too, as a mother, am overwhelmed with joy on this special occasion. May Allah bless all of you with happiness, prosperity, and a life full of love and peace.”

The ceremony also included a luncheon hosted by the Department of Social Welfare for the attendees. Maryam Nawaz shared, “I am here to celebrate with you, to join in your happiness as a mother, and I pray that your new life is filled with blessings and joy.”


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